Johnno bloody great mate! Thank you so much. It is quite amazing who has pictures of what. Your large selection brings back those memories as if it were only a week ago. The people, places and everything about a scene that is a corner stone of what this site is meant to be and all about. Here's hoping your fine effort inspires others to bring back even more memories. Cheers
It is a great momento of a place with a million memories. No one had ever seen it empty before. The governors name was Brian and his bar manager Phil, a gay Aussie. The barmen were Phil and Tony and they knew what you drank. It was a quite little out of the way bar and a complete contrast to the Kings Head hustle when we first started going there.
After Sundowners crews adopted it as it's own in 1978, it became a place where you would know 60% of those in the bar and there rest were their friends or passengers. I have never felt such ambience and feeling of welcome in a hotel before or since. Followed by a kebab at Smiley's in Earls Court Road at midnight, the perfect night out!
Re: Albany Hotel 1978
Re: Albany Hotel 1978
Re: Albany Hotel 1978