Albany Hotel 1978

Posted by Johnno McCabe Johnno McCabe


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Re: Albany Hotel 1978

Johnno bloody great mate! Thank you so much. It is quite amazing who has pictures of what. Your large selection brings back those memories as if it were only a week ago. The people, places and everything about a scene that is a corner stone of what this site is meant to be and all about. Here's hoping your fine effort inspires others to bring back even more memories. Cheers
Charles Caine Charles Caine
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Re: Albany Hotel 1978

In reply to this post by Johnno McCabe
Cheers Johnno,Always wondered wot it looked like......Damned dangerous them front stairs toooo
Johnno McCabe Johnno McCabe
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Re: Albany Hotel 1978

In reply to this post by Johnno McCabe
It is a great momento of a place with a million memories. No one had ever seen it empty before. The governors name was Brian and his bar manager Phil, a gay Aussie. The barmen were Phil and Tony and they knew what you drank. It was a quite little out of the way bar and a complete contrast to the Kings Head hustle when we first started going there.

 After Sundowners crews adopted it as it's own in 1978, it became a place where you would know 60% of those in the bar and there rest were their friends or passengers. I have never felt such ambience and feeling of welcome in a hotel before or since. Followed by a kebab at Smiley's in Earls Court Road at midnight, the perfect night out!